Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Breaking Porn News: The U.K. Has Banned Certain Sex Acts From Being Filmed In Porn

Hey hey to the yo my progressive purveyors of porn. I was thinking of what to do my latest post on and just couldn't come up with one that really stood out to me. So I put the laptop away and prayed to my higher power-Jack Daniels-and the porn gods answered my prayers.
Check out this article that was posted from my buddies over at Pink News:
So the gist of the article is this. It seems our friends over in The U.K. have decided to enforce the Audiovisual Media Services Regulation Act of 2014 which states that any online VOD sites must adhere to the same rules that DVDS must adhere to.
These rules were created by the good old BBFC AKA The British Board Of Film Censors.
Among the acts that are now banned from being filmed in The U.K. are:
Aggressive Whipping-though who says if it's aggressive or not?
Penetration By Any Object Associated With Violence-okay this one I get
Physical And Verbal Abuse Even If It's Consensual
Female Ejaculation-Which Proves That The BBFC is made up of nothing but old virgins with erectile dysfunction and bitter women who have never had an orgasm
And Many Acts That Depict Women In Positions Of Power-See my note on the female ejaculation issue
Ironically enough it is still legal to watch and own DVDS that depict these acts if they were made abroad. Can you see hypocrite much?
So now some real talk.
This is fucking bullshit. This reminds me of the same crap they tried to pull with their Video Nasties and Banned Films lists from the 70s and 80s. I'm actually surprised that the list doesn't ban any gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered acts or performers.
And what is the point of banning any of these acts? Do they think that all the crime in The U.K. is caused by their citizens filming these acts? And why pan exporting scenes with these acts in them but not importing them?
The thing I have the most problem with is the ban on female ejaculation. I mean is that really the worst thing that someone can film? A woman enjoying being fucked? I've always found female ejaculation to be very hot to see and consider it a personal accomplishment when I've been able to make a woman cum like that. While we're on it why not ban male ejaculation?
In a time when people claim that our world is moving forward and becoming more progressive why do we still have this shit going on where we are just moving backwards?
I just feel that there are more important things The U.K. could be bitching about and putting money and resources into then this.
What are your thoughts fellow perverts?

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