Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Isis Love Opens Boutique Agency; Skyn Talent

Are you looking for an agent? Perhaps you should contact Isis Love. The star, director and producer has just announced the opening of her new boutique talent agency, Skyn Talent. I love that name and spelling.
Love has been quoted as saying that Skyn will take on no more then 30 of the industries top tier performers and will offer professional mentoring to new talent to teach them not only with financial planning but also helping them build strong presences both on set and social media.
Love, who has 15 years experience in the industry, has just submitted the paperwork to The California State Licensing Board.
For more information click here: http://www.skyntalent.com/
Congratulations Isis. This sounds like THE agency for adult performers to get in with. Would you also consider handling a cute nerdy blogger/mainstream actor who also does non-sex roles in porn films? ;) HAHA.


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