Happy Monday my lovelies. I write this post with melancholy and sadness. Google and Blogger have sent emails to all of us stating that they are going to start shutting down blogs that feature explicit nudity and sexual acts, videos, etc. The only way you can now have an adult blog is if you post pictures of "artistic nudity." Whatever the fuck that means.
It pisses me off because we are living in 2015 and I thought we were moving away from this puritanical society bullshit but I guess I was wrong. I also kind of feel like this takes away my right of free speech and my right of freedom of the press.
But not to worry because, here's the good news, All The Porn That's Fit To Fuck is not dead. No sure. A lot of you have suggested it. A lot of you have asked for it well now you're getting it. I am moving to Tumblr!
I was actually wondering why I didn't have a desire these last few days to update and now I know why my gut was telling me not to do it.
So I will begin my new Tumblr life tomorrow with some awesome posts. I'm too tired from writing some hot urban erotica to do it today and I will also be moving the old posts from this blog over to Tumblr so everyone can enjoy them. So tell your friends to follow my Tumblr and do it too. I had almost 6000 readers on this thing let's see if we can double that by the end of this month! HAHA ;)
And I'm really going to go all out with this Tumblr. I even created a fake name to go with it. Desire Taylor. Sexy right? HAHA. I love coming up with names.
Anyway, here's the link to my Tumblr: http://allthepornthatsfittofuck.tumblr.com/ follow me and tell your friends.
Thanks for all the support! Love you guys.
-JOE or should I say
-Desire Taylor- ;)
Bringing you industry news, reviews on scenes, films, studios and books, interviews with industry professionals and coverage on industry events. Award Nominations: Grabby Award-Best Porn Blog The Adult Awards-Best Content/Review Site The Adult Awards-Best Male Model Cybersocket Award-Best Porn Review Site Works closely with new adult/entertainment company Venus Vice
Monday, February 23, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Spotlight On The Most Famous Stag Film: Smart Alec
Okay so normally when I do spotlights or reviews of films, performers or studios I include some pictures. For this one, I will not be including any pictures for the simple reason that Candy Barr, the lead actress was only 16 when she was in the film and I really don't want to have to register as a sex offender or get tried for child pornography. I actually debated doing a post on this film and decided to since it is iconic and a very important part of the history of the industry. The thing I find fascinating is the film has been distributed, I'll talk more on that in a bit, and by Googling the name you can find the complete film online and stills from the movie which, frankly, is a little disturbing and sickening to me as it is very wildly known that Barr was under age when she did the film; and then you find out the alleged reasons why she did the film and, well, only the most perverted of perverts would scope this one out and watch it to get off.
Okay here, we go.
Smart Alec was filmed in 1951. It's a short 20 minute silent black and white film. It was also one of the most famous and wildly circulated films of that era of early underground porn.
The film has been called "iconographic", the "best known of all American stag films" and an "apogee of the American stag tradition."
It was shot in a Dallas hotel where apparently several other porn films of the time were shot although some sources list the shooting location as San Antonio.
As I said in the beginning the film has been included in numerous historic porn compilations as well as featured in 1970s A History Of The Blue Movie and it was available on video under the title Smokers Of The Past Volume 1; side note: am I the only one who thinks Smokers Of The Past sounds like the title of a really cool noir mystery? Anyway, back on topic....
The plot is fairly basic and thanks to Wikipedia I didn't have to watch the film to tell you about it:
A traveling salesman meets Candy Barr by the pool of a motel and they go up to his room for drinks and some dot dot dot. Since this is porn, they of course fuck and he performs oral sex on her. However when he asks her for a blow job she refuses. He then tries to force her to suck his dick but Barr fights back. The salesman then gets off the bed and sulks and Barr comforts him and calls another female friend of hers to join them. Barr's friend arrives at sucks off the traveling salesman. They then get into the 69 position but Barr joins them and sits on the traveling salesman's face before riding him.
Now let's talk a little about Candy and I promise I'll do a more thorough spotlight on her in the future because she is really fascinating.
As I said she was only 16 years old at the time and working as a prostitute and stripper at the time; she apparently looked much older than she was. When she did the film she used the name Juanita Slusher which I think is the best name ever and I'm totally naming my first daughter Juanita Slusher Candy Barr Filippone. Anyway....
The story goes that Barr was forced to do the film by one of her clients and, here's where it gets juicy, that client was allegedly Bing Crosby's son, Gary. Her appearance in this film has led to her being called The First Porn Star, even though this was her only role.
In an interview Barr said that she did the film because she was broke and hungry and had this to say about it, warning, this quote will break your heart: "“I went to the address a friend gave me. The man behind the desk looked me over. He told me I had a great figure. Then he explained he wanted me to act in a risqué film. Then he opened his wallet and counted a bunch of ten-dollar bills. He counted them out on the desk before me, one by one. The purse I clutched in my hands contained exactly seven cents. I made the film. Only when my hunger was gone could I think straight. But I was still too young to understand fully just what I had done. I’m still sick with shame over what I did, but when you’re (young) and all alone and your insides are crying for food, you can’t always figure out right from wrong.” Makes me want to hold her and comfort her and tell her everything is gonna be okay. That's why my young gays call me Big Mama and Mama Joe. Anyway...
Barr did help the FBI prosecute the producer of the film and he was charged with the exploitation of a minor. (Good!) She also sued PlayBoy when the magazine printed a still from the film in one of its issues; which I'm surprised they did. I'd like to think that they weren't aware she was underage.
Gossip columnist Luke Ford who wrote A History Of X: 100 Years Of Sex in Film, which I highly recommend, had this to say about Barr; again prepare yourself for heartbreak: "It ruined her life. She regretted it all her days." So sad. I just pray she's resting peacefully now.
Okay here, we go.
Smart Alec was filmed in 1951. It's a short 20 minute silent black and white film. It was also one of the most famous and wildly circulated films of that era of early underground porn.
The film has been called "iconographic", the "best known of all American stag films" and an "apogee of the American stag tradition."
It was shot in a Dallas hotel where apparently several other porn films of the time were shot although some sources list the shooting location as San Antonio.
As I said in the beginning the film has been included in numerous historic porn compilations as well as featured in 1970s A History Of The Blue Movie and it was available on video under the title Smokers Of The Past Volume 1; side note: am I the only one who thinks Smokers Of The Past sounds like the title of a really cool noir mystery? Anyway, back on topic....
The plot is fairly basic and thanks to Wikipedia I didn't have to watch the film to tell you about it:
A traveling salesman meets Candy Barr by the pool of a motel and they go up to his room for drinks and some dot dot dot. Since this is porn, they of course fuck and he performs oral sex on her. However when he asks her for a blow job she refuses. He then tries to force her to suck his dick but Barr fights back. The salesman then gets off the bed and sulks and Barr comforts him and calls another female friend of hers to join them. Barr's friend arrives at sucks off the traveling salesman. They then get into the 69 position but Barr joins them and sits on the traveling salesman's face before riding him.
Now let's talk a little about Candy and I promise I'll do a more thorough spotlight on her in the future because she is really fascinating.
As I said she was only 16 years old at the time and working as a prostitute and stripper at the time; she apparently looked much older than she was. When she did the film she used the name Juanita Slusher which I think is the best name ever and I'm totally naming my first daughter Juanita Slusher Candy Barr Filippone. Anyway....
The story goes that Barr was forced to do the film by one of her clients and, here's where it gets juicy, that client was allegedly Bing Crosby's son, Gary. Her appearance in this film has led to her being called The First Porn Star, even though this was her only role.
In an interview Barr said that she did the film because she was broke and hungry and had this to say about it, warning, this quote will break your heart: "“I went to the address a friend gave me. The man behind the desk looked me over. He told me I had a great figure. Then he explained he wanted me to act in a risqué film. Then he opened his wallet and counted a bunch of ten-dollar bills. He counted them out on the desk before me, one by one. The purse I clutched in my hands contained exactly seven cents. I made the film. Only when my hunger was gone could I think straight. But I was still too young to understand fully just what I had done. I’m still sick with shame over what I did, but when you’re (young) and all alone and your insides are crying for food, you can’t always figure out right from wrong.” Makes me want to hold her and comfort her and tell her everything is gonna be okay. That's why my young gays call me Big Mama and Mama Joe. Anyway...
Barr did help the FBI prosecute the producer of the film and he was charged with the exploitation of a minor. (Good!) She also sued PlayBoy when the magazine printed a still from the film in one of its issues; which I'm surprised they did. I'd like to think that they weren't aware she was underage.
Gossip columnist Luke Ford who wrote A History Of X: 100 Years Of Sex in Film, which I highly recommend, had this to say about Barr; again prepare yourself for heartbreak: "It ruined her life. She regretted it all her days." So sad. I just pray she's resting peacefully now.
Another Former Dallas Reeves Employee Comes Forward And Speaks Out About The Company
Okay this just pisses me off to no end! As I'm sitting here typing this I'm getting madder and madder. I'm not going to try to rehash the interview, I'm just going to post the link so you can read it yourself. I honestly do not know how Dallas Reeves still stays in business or why models continue to work for him and apply to his company. All you have to do is Google him and you will see page after page after page of dirt on him. The fact that him and his staff are making models sleep with them, keeping them in houses without water, not testing models for STD's and putting the health of these models at stake is the reason why people think that EVERYONE involved in porn is as sleazy as these guys. I have never once asked any of the potential models I approach to work for Helix to sleep with me, I've never even brought it up. I've never even asked for any nude pictures or anything from them. Why? Because I take my job seriously. I'm a professional and I actually care about the boys I'm approaching and want them to get into the business and apply to Helix because they WANT to; half the time I don't even care about the commission I make.
I think the thing that really makes me mad is that these are now two people who have come out and said that Dallas is HIV+ and that is willingly and knowingly not disclosing his status and putting the lives and health of other guys at risk. That's a felony. I hope to God that people come forward and this scum sucking low life is brought to justice. If I could I'd charge him with endangerment and attempted murder myself.
Plus the fact that he allegedly had a performer who had an STD perform a scene with Johnny Rapid and not disclose that information and use an old test result. That turns my stomach.
Please, please, please, if you have been a victim of this awful excuse for a man and human being, come forward. He can't hurt you. He won't hurt you. He doesn't have the balls. And please, please, please, do not work for him. Do not allow him to victimize anymore guys.
Please, let's rally together all of us in the industry who have hearts and souls and actually care about the wellbeing of the performers and stop Dallas Reeves once and for all!
The interview is here: http://str8upgayporn.com/another-dallasreeves-com-employee-speaks-out-they-are-the-most-manipultive-assholes-alive/
Now I gotta go cool off. Damn! The fiery Italian in me just came out!
I think the thing that really makes me mad is that these are now two people who have come out and said that Dallas is HIV+ and that is willingly and knowingly not disclosing his status and putting the lives and health of other guys at risk. That's a felony. I hope to God that people come forward and this scum sucking low life is brought to justice. If I could I'd charge him with endangerment and attempted murder myself.
Plus the fact that he allegedly had a performer who had an STD perform a scene with Johnny Rapid and not disclose that information and use an old test result. That turns my stomach.
Please, please, please, if you have been a victim of this awful excuse for a man and human being, come forward. He can't hurt you. He won't hurt you. He doesn't have the balls. And please, please, please, do not work for him. Do not allow him to victimize anymore guys.
Please, let's rally together all of us in the industry who have hearts and souls and actually care about the wellbeing of the performers and stop Dallas Reeves once and for all!
The interview is here: http://str8upgayporn.com/another-dallasreeves-com-employee-speaks-out-they-are-the-most-manipultive-assholes-alive/
Now I gotta go cool off. Damn! The fiery Italian in me just came out!
This Year's Oscar's Grab Bags To Include Sex Toys
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Next Door Studios Re-Signs 4 Performers To Exclusive Year Long Contracts
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Sienna Sinclaire Has Two Book Launch Parties: Las Vegas And Los Angeles
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Rest In Peace Herald Price-Fahringer
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Buy Tasha Reign's New Calendar And Help Farm Sanctuary And The Animal Rescue Alliance
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Controversies Arise In The World Of Bareback Porn And HIV+ Performers
Happy hump day my lovelies. Man, it was hard deciding what to write about. There's a shit ton of news, and reviews, and spotlights I wanna do but I don't wanna do post after post and do a porn overload. Or maybe I should just say fuck it and do that. I was worried about doing multiple posts a day but I think to stay current with the news and spotlight all the movies and performers and studios I'm gonna have to do that. If you guys want let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Anyway, this came totally out of the blue and I thought I would share it with you guys as I find every aspect of these two links I'm going to share very interesting. Now I know I may be opening up a huge can of worms here but let's talk a little about bareback porn and HIV+ performers who perform in bareback porn.
What are your thoughts on it? Do you get more turned on watching bareback porn then you do watching porn with condoms? What about performers who have been open about their HIV status perform in it? How about HIV+ performers who only perform with other poz performers or performers who are undetectable? Do you think this lessons the stigma? Greatens it? Do you think these performers are making informed choices? Being irresponsible? I'm really quite curious to know your thoughts on this.
For me, this is a tough one on many levels. Okay, real talk here. My cousin Donnie died of AIDS back in the 90s; the early 90s when HIV and AIDS was a death sentence. Even then the doctors still weren't quite sure how it spread so I wasn't allowed to see my cousin, I was only about six or seven and Donnie's doctors and the rest of the family were worried that possibly I could catch it if it was spread through air born or even, as a kid, if I had a cut or a scrape. My family would wear surgical masks and gloves when they went into his room. The doctors told my Aunt Marie and Uncle Shortie to feed him lots of rare steak as the proteins may help and to have him drink a lot of Pedialite and Pediasure since those are what doctors recommend for kids to build up their immune systems they figured maybe it would work with grown ups whose immune systems were weak. So I've seen first hand the devastation, sadness, shame unfortunately, that the disease brought onto an Italian Roman Catholic family. My family use to tell everyone that Donnie was either working or had a cold and that's why he wasn't around. He stayed at my Aunt Marie and Uncle Shorties house and they took care of him as the family didn't want to put him in a hospital and have word get around. His funeral, which I wasn't allowed to go to, was a closed casket.
Fast forward to 2015 and yes I know we have Prep and that a lot of the performers who are doing bareback scenes are on it and people think that it's fine and cured but it isn't. There are new drug resistant strains of HIV developing and they just discovered a new strain of HIV in Cuba which leads to AIDS three times faster then the current strain. And the cost of medication is expensive. A lot of my young gays are positive and it breaks my heart. I've been with them while they've cried on my shoulder and I've had to hold it together. I've seen the GoFundMe's and Kickstarters and Indiegogos so they can get meds and treatment.
I guess my point is that we still have to be cautious. And I hope I don't come across as a martyr. God knows I've had some slipups in my time, we all have, that's why we're human but, and I'm guilty of this myself, we should all be using condoms unless we're in committed relationships, getting tested regularly and disclosing to our partners.
I realize these are consenting adults and I'm not naïve to not think that maybe some of the performers are possibly bug chasers who want to catch a different strain or want to pass on another strain to someone out of anger. What I'm saying is is the money really worth putting your health at further risk or putting someone else's health at risk?
Again, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Leave me some thoughts in the comments below.
Now, here's where all this started. So two very interesting pieces on Str8upgayporn caught my eye.
First is this: http://str8upgayporn.com/rocco-steele-bareback-eli-lewis/ it's an interview with Eli Lewis about his bareback scene with Rocco Steele. Now, if you are a fan of Rocco's you know he has been very upfront and honest about his HIV status and the fact that he's positive. He even stated in an interview that he will not do scenes with negative performers and only performers with other poz performers or those who are undetectable.
In the interview Eli talks about how he thought long and hard about making the transition to bareback porn and goes on about knowing the status of his partners in his personal life and making informed choices. The interesting thing that struck me was, on Eli's RentBoy profile he lists his status as negative and that he always practices safe sex. So my question then became this: is he lying on his RentBoy profile so he doesn't lose clients, has he not updated his profile or did he not know/was not informed about Rocco's status? And if that's the case and Eli is/was negative then has Rocco changed his views on not working with negative performers? Is Eli on Prep? Is he undetectable? This has sparked quite a big discussion in the comments section of the interview and a lot of them really get you thinking. I strongly suggest you read them.
The other article that is getting some very interesting discussions going is this one: http://str8upgayporn.com/deviant-otter-bearded-boy-bareback/ in which Deviant Otter has unprotected sex with an HIV+ scene partner. He then says, in a video that he posted online, that he hates safe sex, stating that condoms are not 100% effective against STD's (true but they are pretty damn close) and that he also hates using condoms because it takes away the gruff and grittiness of sex. He then says that he believes in smart sex-yes that's not a typo and I probably made the same face you made when you read that, he doesn't use condoms but practices smart sex????!!!-because, here's the reason, he's on Prep.
Again, these two are consenting adults who can make their own decisions and it's their lives and health but is this the kind of message that really needs to be said? That whole thing about condoms is what the wacko religious fanatics use as an argument on why sex ed shouldn't be taught in schools. And to say, oh you can just pop a pill and fuck without protection and that's smart sex is, in my opinion, highly dangerous to be posting online. You don't know who's going to see it, who's going to follow your example, who's life could change and go in a direction they may not want it to go just because someone thinks that you are right and it's online so it must be true.
Whew, I think this the longest, rantiest, most soap boxey post I've done. But I think it's something that needs to be addressed. And maybe I'm a hypocrite since I do work as a talent scout for a studio that does do both bareback and condom porn but all of our boys are tested for STD's before every shoot every time. And maybe I don't have the right to say anything since most of the erotica I write features unprotected sex with multiple people and sometimes multiple strangers but what I write is fiction, no one's health is actually in danger. But you'd be surprised how many religious nuts and prudes say my writing is the reason we have AIDS and STD's are spreading so rapidly.
Okay, anyway, off the soap box, rant over. As I said, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, leave me some comments people! I've gotten almost 5500 of you to read these posts, why y'all so quiet!?????!
Anyway, this came totally out of the blue and I thought I would share it with you guys as I find every aspect of these two links I'm going to share very interesting. Now I know I may be opening up a huge can of worms here but let's talk a little about bareback porn and HIV+ performers who perform in bareback porn.
What are your thoughts on it? Do you get more turned on watching bareback porn then you do watching porn with condoms? What about performers who have been open about their HIV status perform in it? How about HIV+ performers who only perform with other poz performers or performers who are undetectable? Do you think this lessons the stigma? Greatens it? Do you think these performers are making informed choices? Being irresponsible? I'm really quite curious to know your thoughts on this.
For me, this is a tough one on many levels. Okay, real talk here. My cousin Donnie died of AIDS back in the 90s; the early 90s when HIV and AIDS was a death sentence. Even then the doctors still weren't quite sure how it spread so I wasn't allowed to see my cousin, I was only about six or seven and Donnie's doctors and the rest of the family were worried that possibly I could catch it if it was spread through air born or even, as a kid, if I had a cut or a scrape. My family would wear surgical masks and gloves when they went into his room. The doctors told my Aunt Marie and Uncle Shortie to feed him lots of rare steak as the proteins may help and to have him drink a lot of Pedialite and Pediasure since those are what doctors recommend for kids to build up their immune systems they figured maybe it would work with grown ups whose immune systems were weak. So I've seen first hand the devastation, sadness, shame unfortunately, that the disease brought onto an Italian Roman Catholic family. My family use to tell everyone that Donnie was either working or had a cold and that's why he wasn't around. He stayed at my Aunt Marie and Uncle Shorties house and they took care of him as the family didn't want to put him in a hospital and have word get around. His funeral, which I wasn't allowed to go to, was a closed casket.
Fast forward to 2015 and yes I know we have Prep and that a lot of the performers who are doing bareback scenes are on it and people think that it's fine and cured but it isn't. There are new drug resistant strains of HIV developing and they just discovered a new strain of HIV in Cuba which leads to AIDS three times faster then the current strain. And the cost of medication is expensive. A lot of my young gays are positive and it breaks my heart. I've been with them while they've cried on my shoulder and I've had to hold it together. I've seen the GoFundMe's and Kickstarters and Indiegogos so they can get meds and treatment.
I guess my point is that we still have to be cautious. And I hope I don't come across as a martyr. God knows I've had some slipups in my time, we all have, that's why we're human but, and I'm guilty of this myself, we should all be using condoms unless we're in committed relationships, getting tested regularly and disclosing to our partners.
I realize these are consenting adults and I'm not naïve to not think that maybe some of the performers are possibly bug chasers who want to catch a different strain or want to pass on another strain to someone out of anger. What I'm saying is is the money really worth putting your health at further risk or putting someone else's health at risk?
Again, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Leave me some thoughts in the comments below.
Now, here's where all this started. So two very interesting pieces on Str8upgayporn caught my eye.
First is this: http://str8upgayporn.com/rocco-steele-bareback-eli-lewis/ it's an interview with Eli Lewis about his bareback scene with Rocco Steele. Now, if you are a fan of Rocco's you know he has been very upfront and honest about his HIV status and the fact that he's positive. He even stated in an interview that he will not do scenes with negative performers and only performers with other poz performers or those who are undetectable.
In the interview Eli talks about how he thought long and hard about making the transition to bareback porn and goes on about knowing the status of his partners in his personal life and making informed choices. The interesting thing that struck me was, on Eli's RentBoy profile he lists his status as negative and that he always practices safe sex. So my question then became this: is he lying on his RentBoy profile so he doesn't lose clients, has he not updated his profile or did he not know/was not informed about Rocco's status? And if that's the case and Eli is/was negative then has Rocco changed his views on not working with negative performers? Is Eli on Prep? Is he undetectable? This has sparked quite a big discussion in the comments section of the interview and a lot of them really get you thinking. I strongly suggest you read them.
The other article that is getting some very interesting discussions going is this one: http://str8upgayporn.com/deviant-otter-bearded-boy-bareback/ in which Deviant Otter has unprotected sex with an HIV+ scene partner. He then says, in a video that he posted online, that he hates safe sex, stating that condoms are not 100% effective against STD's (true but they are pretty damn close) and that he also hates using condoms because it takes away the gruff and grittiness of sex. He then says that he believes in smart sex-yes that's not a typo and I probably made the same face you made when you read that, he doesn't use condoms but practices smart sex????!!!-because, here's the reason, he's on Prep.
Again, these two are consenting adults who can make their own decisions and it's their lives and health but is this the kind of message that really needs to be said? That whole thing about condoms is what the wacko religious fanatics use as an argument on why sex ed shouldn't be taught in schools. And to say, oh you can just pop a pill and fuck without protection and that's smart sex is, in my opinion, highly dangerous to be posting online. You don't know who's going to see it, who's going to follow your example, who's life could change and go in a direction they may not want it to go just because someone thinks that you are right and it's online so it must be true.
Whew, I think this the longest, rantiest, most soap boxey post I've done. But I think it's something that needs to be addressed. And maybe I'm a hypocrite since I do work as a talent scout for a studio that does do both bareback and condom porn but all of our boys are tested for STD's before every shoot every time. And maybe I don't have the right to say anything since most of the erotica I write features unprotected sex with multiple people and sometimes multiple strangers but what I write is fiction, no one's health is actually in danger. But you'd be surprised how many religious nuts and prudes say my writing is the reason we have AIDS and STD's are spreading so rapidly.
Okay, anyway, off the soap box, rant over. As I said, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, leave me some comments people! I've gotten almost 5500 of you to read these posts, why y'all so quiet!?????!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Tribute To The Most Illusive Woman In Porn: Bambi Woods
She was the star of one of the most famous pornos ever. There has been sequels, a TV series, parodies, remakes, even a Broadway musical and yet she is one of the most illusive people in the business. Everything from her whereabouts to her death to why she left the industry to even her real name has been the subject of documentaries, rumor and questions. And interestingly enough, in her debut and most famous film, the film where she is the main character, on the poster and whose name was on the marquees, she only appears in one sex scene at the very end of the film with R. Bolla. It wasn't until the sequel that she appeared in almost every sex scene.
Here is what is known about her, although who knows what's true and what's fiction.
She was born July 12th 1955 in Pierre South Dakota. Her rumored real name has been listed as Debra DeSanto though one of her co-stars from Debbie Does Dallas said that her real name was Barbara Woodson. Besides Debbie Does Dallas and its sequel she only appeared in one other film in 1981, Swedish Erotica 12. She was rumored to have died of a drug overdose five years after that in 1986.
In the documentary Debbie Does Dallas Uncovered, which is pretty good I highly recommend it; at one point it was streaming on Netflix, they actually hired a private investigator to track her down. He was unsuccessful and could not confirm if she had died or not however, he did get a letter from someone claiming to be Woods saying that she left the industry because of the drug abuse she had witnessed and because she wanted to be a homemaker and mother and was living in the Des Moines Iowa area. This conflicts with reports, however, that she is living in Silicon Valley where she is married to a computer software developer and has two kids. See how confusing this is? It's like an episode of Murder, She Wrote or Father Dowling Mysteries. Here, enjoy a couple more pictures:
In the documentary, the director of Debbie Does Dallas, claims he gave Woods her stage name saying that she was named after the Disney character Bambi because she looked so pure and innocent; a deer in the woods. Get it?
Some of the crew and cast members have said in interviews that it felt like Woods didn't belong there and she seemed shy and hesitant. I wouldn't doubt that to be crew as there is a quote floating around, attributed to Woods saying that she only got into the business and did the film because she needed the money as she was not making ends meet with her waitressing job.
A couple of the crew members have also said in interviews that Woods was actually excited about filming Debbie Does Dallas and had a good time except for the sex scene with Bolla because there were so many people around.
Again, I don't know if any of this is true or not but it's all very fascinating, at least to me.
After filming Woods reportedly worked for a while as a stripper and exotic dancer at one of the clubs that Seka danced for. According to some of the people who worked at the club when Woods was dancing there she packed the house and people would come just to see her.
Here's an interesting thing, there's an album and song named after her. In September of 2008, the Dutch band A Balladeer released an album called Where Are You Bambi Woods? The 11th song on the album is called that as well.
So there you have it. I don't know how much of this is true, I don't know if any of the women who have come forward and claimed to be Woods are in fact her, I don't know if, like one of her cast mates said, her parents actually saved her from the industry and got her counseling but wherever she is and whatever she is doing I hope that she is happy and healthy and knows, deep down, that she is part of one of, if not the, most iconic films in porn's history and I thank you, Bambi Woods, for doing Dallas.
Spotlight On The Beautiful Kelly Shibari
Okay I'm just gonna come right out and start with this: Kelly is smoking hot! I love her and everything about her. I love how comfortable she is with herself and her sexuality, I love that she doesn't conform to idiot's views of what a beautiful woman looks like and I love that the BBW niche is growing and more and more people are realizing that yes, big is beautiful. Okay now onto Kelly.

She was born September 9th 1972 and is Japanese-Irish. She also has an amazing, natural, 40D bust. When her site was still online, unfortunately it looks like it is no longer running, she was the only Asian BBW star with her own membership site.
Her debut in the industry came with The Score Group's first ever interactive DVD, Plush Control. According to sources she also performed under the name Olivia and is probably best known for her portrayal of Roseanne Conner in Roseanne: The XXX Parody. Oh yes my children, the Conners went porno back in 2010. I've seen the film and it's actually pretty cool. If you're a fan of the show, a fan of Kelly's or a fan of parody it's a must see.
Kelly has also worked with Zero Tolerance, Evasive Angles, Rodney Moore, Channel 69 and Darkside Productions and I must say I am so happy that, even though she hasn't been in the industry that long, she has hit the ground running!
Kelly also did an instructional video guide to plus size sex with Jessica Drake for Wicked Pictures which I applaud her for. I believe her video is one of the few, if only, video guides on the subject.
She also has the distinct pleasure of being the first ever plus size Penthouse Forum Cover Girl! A truly historical feat and she has opened the door for many other plus size models, both mainstream and in the adult industry.
Let's close with a fun fact I found out about Kelly online. She's apparently bisexual (yay!) and was quoted as saying that she likes men from the waist down and women from the waist up. That alone is enough to make you love this woman! Oh and she is also on Twitter and it looks like she was recently on Sons Of Anarchy. I love that! Always makes me proud when adult performers do mainstream stuff. Anyway, if you wanna Tweet or follow her it's @kellyshibari
Here Are Your 2015 Transgender Erotica Awards Winners!
Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! Hope you all have a glorious day filled with gluttony and debauchery before Ash Wednesday tomorrow!
So Sunday was the 7th annual Transgender Erotica Awards ceremony. A huge congratulations to all the winners and nominees and I'm so happy that these awards are taking off and that the transgender performers of the industry are getting the recognition they deserve.
This year's event is actually the first year that the awards have been called The Transgender Erotica Awards, before that they were The Tranny Awards. I'm happy that Grooby Productions is doing their part to help stop the use of the word tranny. My hat's off to you and I applaud you for that. Anyway, this year the awards were held at Avalon with a pre show red carpet event at the recently remodeled early 20th century theatre. The event was once again hosted by JujuBee (you go gurl!) and Hudsy Hawn provided entertainment as well. Child I wish I could have been there for that. Oh well, next year for sure!
So before I announce the winners, a history lesson:
The TEA's were first started in 2008 by adult production company Grooby Productions to recognize performers and producers in transgender pornography. Grooby felt that these individuals were getting poor, or no, representation in other adult awards ceremonies.
The nominations are submitted from industry professionals and fans and the winners are voted by a panel of judges, which changes every year, that represent fans, producers, performers and critics.
As I said when it first started it was called The Tranny Awards which provided some confusion during the first ceremony as that year, Caltrans decided to call their 20th annual awards ceremony recognizing transportation achievement The Tranny Awards. I'm still laughing about that one!
The 4th annual ceremony saw a rise in sponsors; 8 to 19 and by the 5th annual there were over 200 attendees and the added categories of Best FTM Performer, Best Scene Director and Best Internet Personality.
And now without further ado, here are your 2015 Transgender Erotica Awards Winners!
Best DVD — sponsored by Gamelink
“Shemale Secret Service” from Grooby Productions
Best Scene — sponsored by TGirl Nights
"All TGirls Volume 1" — 4-Some
Black TGirls Model of the Year
Best Scene Producer — sponsored by FTM Fucker
Ms Unique — sponsored by Stockroom
Nina Lawless
Best FTM Performer — sponsored by Trans Men Adventures ($300 cash prize)
James Darling
ranscendence Award — sponsored by Dr. Sinclair
Tori Mayes
Best Non-US Performer — sponsored by Third World Media
Best DVD Director — sponsored by PicoBong
Buddy Wood
Bob’s Tgirls Model of the Year
Jessy Dubai
Best Solo Site — sponsored by Lord Morpheous
Lifetime Achievement — sponsored by Grooby Productions
Lifetime Achievement Award (Behind the Camera) — Ed Hunter
Lifetime Achievement Award (In Front of the Camera) — Foxxy
Best Internet Personality — sponsored by TROUBLEfilms and Pure Play Media
Bailey Jay
Shemale Yum Model of the Year
Kylie Maria
Best Photographer — sponsored by Transformation
Radius Dark
Best FTM Scene — sponsored by Buck Angel
The Handyman from DeliaTS.com
Best Non-TS Performer — sponsored by UP Network
Robert Axel
Shemale Strokers Model of the Year
Kelly Klaymour
Fan Choice — sponsored by FameDollars
Aubrey Kate
Best New Face — sponsored by Shemale.com
Kelly Klaymour
Best Solo Performer — sponsored by Eros
Penny Tyler
Best Hardcore Performer — sponsored by XXX
Jessy Dubai
Once again congratulations to all the nominees and winners and see you next year!
So Sunday was the 7th annual Transgender Erotica Awards ceremony. A huge congratulations to all the winners and nominees and I'm so happy that these awards are taking off and that the transgender performers of the industry are getting the recognition they deserve.
This year's event is actually the first year that the awards have been called The Transgender Erotica Awards, before that they were The Tranny Awards. I'm happy that Grooby Productions is doing their part to help stop the use of the word tranny. My hat's off to you and I applaud you for that. Anyway, this year the awards were held at Avalon with a pre show red carpet event at the recently remodeled early 20th century theatre. The event was once again hosted by JujuBee (you go gurl!) and Hudsy Hawn provided entertainment as well. Child I wish I could have been there for that. Oh well, next year for sure!
So before I announce the winners, a history lesson:
The TEA's were first started in 2008 by adult production company Grooby Productions to recognize performers and producers in transgender pornography. Grooby felt that these individuals were getting poor, or no, representation in other adult awards ceremonies.
The nominations are submitted from industry professionals and fans and the winners are voted by a panel of judges, which changes every year, that represent fans, producers, performers and critics.
As I said when it first started it was called The Tranny Awards which provided some confusion during the first ceremony as that year, Caltrans decided to call their 20th annual awards ceremony recognizing transportation achievement The Tranny Awards. I'm still laughing about that one!
The 4th annual ceremony saw a rise in sponsors; 8 to 19 and by the 5th annual there were over 200 attendees and the added categories of Best FTM Performer, Best Scene Director and Best Internet Personality.
And now without further ado, here are your 2015 Transgender Erotica Awards Winners!
Best DVD — sponsored by Gamelink
“Shemale Secret Service” from Grooby Productions
Best Scene — sponsored by TGirl Nights
"All TGirls Volume 1" — 4-Some
Black TGirls Model of the Year
Best Scene Producer — sponsored by FTM Fucker
Ms Unique — sponsored by Stockroom
Nina Lawless
Best FTM Performer — sponsored by Trans Men Adventures ($300 cash prize)
James Darling
ranscendence Award — sponsored by Dr. Sinclair
Tori Mayes
Best Non-US Performer — sponsored by Third World Media
Best DVD Director — sponsored by PicoBong
Buddy Wood
Bob’s Tgirls Model of the Year
Jessy Dubai
Best Solo Site — sponsored by Lord Morpheous
Lifetime Achievement — sponsored by Grooby Productions
Lifetime Achievement Award (Behind the Camera) — Ed Hunter
Lifetime Achievement Award (In Front of the Camera) — Foxxy
Best Internet Personality — sponsored by TROUBLEfilms and Pure Play Media
Bailey Jay
Shemale Yum Model of the Year
Kylie Maria
Best Photographer — sponsored by Transformation
Radius Dark
Best FTM Scene — sponsored by Buck Angel
The Handyman from DeliaTS.com
Best Non-TS Performer — sponsored by UP Network
Robert Axel
Shemale Strokers Model of the Year
Kelly Klaymour
Fan Choice — sponsored by FameDollars
Aubrey Kate
Best New Face — sponsored by Shemale.com
Kelly Klaymour
Best Solo Performer — sponsored by Eros
Penny Tyler
Best Hardcore Performer — sponsored by XXX
Jessy Dubai
Once again congratulations to all the nominees and winners and see you next year!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Spotlight On Haze Him
Hello hello my ravenous readers. Insomnia has struck this old broad so I decided to do some posting. It's appropriate that I'm doing this post now as I just had some Ramen Noodles-I know, I know, I can hear what you guys are saying now but that's what happens when you live with college boys; actually one of my boys did give me shit about it but hey Ramen Noodles are delicious! So continuing with one of my favorite subjects, hot frat guys fucking other hot frat guys, ladies and gentledudes, I give you Haze Him!
As I said in my post about Dick Dorm, I'm not that big a fan of Haze Him. I really have to be in the mood for some good old frat boy hazing, degradation porn to go searching for these vids. There's only three that I really enjoy and watch on a regular basis: Mackenzie The Wicked, The Texas Longhorns Beer Pong One and one that involves two frat members taking turns on two pledges. For me, I think the biggest off putting thing to me, which may be what others who like this genre enjoy, is the guys i.e. the poor little pledges, don't seem to be enjoying the humiliation or the fucking or the whole experience. You can actually see the humiliation and, in some cases, sadness in their eyes and even if I am watching humiliation/hazing porn, I still wanna get the sense that all the participants are enjoying it and want to actually be working on the set.
The plots are pretty standard and formulaic. For the most part these are good old fashioned frat boys hazing pledges. The pledges, usually twinks though there have been some jockish ones, are humiliated in front of the frat boys; all athletic, toned jocks of course. Sometimes the pledges are humiliated in front of a larger group of students and sometimes in front of girls. The pledges are usually forced to do some kind of humiliating task: wrestle naked in a kiddie pool, do naked jumping jacks, play naked twister, make a human elephant, crawl between the legs of another naked pledge. The standard stuff that goes on when boys pledge a house.
The frat brothers are always there, laughing and enjoying the humiliation. Sometimes there's beer involved and sometimes the humiliation takes place during a house party and there's always one smaller frat boy bitch who, like most small athletic guys, tries to be the alpha male and does a lot of yelling and verbal degradation but, like most guys who are small, athletic and have tiny dicks, never gets naked or takes part in the actual fucking. And that always happens. One or more of the frat guys always whips out his dick, as you do during pledging and gets a blow job from the pledges. More often then not the scenes end with fucking: either the pledges fucking each other or the frat brothers fucking the pledges; as you do during hazing.
For me though, the ones that I find more enjoyable are the ones that have that more Dick Dorm feel; a bunch of frat brothers hanging out together, drinking, playing beer pong, playing truth or dare with some sorority girls and then it escalates to nudity, sucking and fucking.
All in all, Haze Him isn't a bad company. They know their market and their audience and they cater to them. While you don't find the same variety of guys that you might find with Dick Dorm or College Rules, the guys are all hot and it will satisfy those fetishes for jocks and/or twinks and it does fuel or fantasies or what we think frat living and pledging is like.
XOXO and if I ever get my college boys to film their hazing and pledge antics for the site I'll let you know. ;)
As I said in my post about Dick Dorm, I'm not that big a fan of Haze Him. I really have to be in the mood for some good old frat boy hazing, degradation porn to go searching for these vids. There's only three that I really enjoy and watch on a regular basis: Mackenzie The Wicked, The Texas Longhorns Beer Pong One and one that involves two frat members taking turns on two pledges. For me, I think the biggest off putting thing to me, which may be what others who like this genre enjoy, is the guys i.e. the poor little pledges, don't seem to be enjoying the humiliation or the fucking or the whole experience. You can actually see the humiliation and, in some cases, sadness in their eyes and even if I am watching humiliation/hazing porn, I still wanna get the sense that all the participants are enjoying it and want to actually be working on the set.
The plots are pretty standard and formulaic. For the most part these are good old fashioned frat boys hazing pledges. The pledges, usually twinks though there have been some jockish ones, are humiliated in front of the frat boys; all athletic, toned jocks of course. Sometimes the pledges are humiliated in front of a larger group of students and sometimes in front of girls. The pledges are usually forced to do some kind of humiliating task: wrestle naked in a kiddie pool, do naked jumping jacks, play naked twister, make a human elephant, crawl between the legs of another naked pledge. The standard stuff that goes on when boys pledge a house.
The frat brothers are always there, laughing and enjoying the humiliation. Sometimes there's beer involved and sometimes the humiliation takes place during a house party and there's always one smaller frat boy bitch who, like most small athletic guys, tries to be the alpha male and does a lot of yelling and verbal degradation but, like most guys who are small, athletic and have tiny dicks, never gets naked or takes part in the actual fucking. And that always happens. One or more of the frat guys always whips out his dick, as you do during pledging and gets a blow job from the pledges. More often then not the scenes end with fucking: either the pledges fucking each other or the frat brothers fucking the pledges; as you do during hazing.
For me though, the ones that I find more enjoyable are the ones that have that more Dick Dorm feel; a bunch of frat brothers hanging out together, drinking, playing beer pong, playing truth or dare with some sorority girls and then it escalates to nudity, sucking and fucking.
All in all, Haze Him isn't a bad company. They know their market and their audience and they cater to them. While you don't find the same variety of guys that you might find with Dick Dorm or College Rules, the guys are all hot and it will satisfy those fetishes for jocks and/or twinks and it does fuel or fantasies or what we think frat living and pledging is like.
XOXO and if I ever get my college boys to film their hazing and pledge antics for the site I'll let you know. ;)
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