Monday, March 2, 2015

Michael Hoffman Goes On YouTube, Calls Out Brent Everett And Says He Regrets His Past

Okay, I do have to admit that when I saw the link to this video on some of the other sites I clicked it fully intending to see some melodramatic YouTube melt down from a delusional wannabe celebrity/porn star. However, clicking on the video and watching it, I actually feel really, really bad for Michael Hoffman.
Okay, backstory, for those of you who don't know, Hoffman is a young amateur bodybuilder. I think he was born in '93 so he's 22; still a baby. Anyway, he started off releasing photos and videos of him shirtless and flexing, showing off his muscles, shit like that. Harmless right? To quote Yente "of course right." Cyber high-five if you get that reference.
So then he released a video of him jerking off, fingering his ass and eating his cum and then all the rumors started that he was bisexual and gay, you know, normal stuff when a hot guy releases videos of him eating his own cum and sticking his finger up his ass which by the way is bullshit. Just because a guy does that that doesn't mean he's gay or bi or in the closet. I know straight guys who like that. Who cares. A guy's ass has a ton of g-spots and erogenous zones. Our main g-spot, the prostrate, is there, so fuck off and give the kid props for being comfortable enough with his straightness to do stuff to give himself amazing orgasms.
Anyway, off the soapbox Joe....
So after the rumors he released a video stating that he's not gay and he's straight yadda yadda yadda, as you do when confronted with rumors about your sexuality.
So flash forward and more jerk-off videos are released and more rumors are started and people start counting down the time until he starts doing porn etc etc. The porn rumors only increased when a gif was leaked of him fucking a girl, so there are sex tapes out there but they haven't been leaked/released yet though after this video I have a feeling it may only be a matter of time.
Okay, so maybe two weeks ago another video was posted of Michael humping his pillows and yesterday this is reported: along with a link to this YouTube video:
Basically the video, which is about 8 minutes, is of Hoffman talking about how he has been fucked over by people and how because of that he fucked people over to get revenge on others who fucked him over. Basically he was fucked over in the sense that he sent people his jerk-off videos and was never paid for them, so lesson one don't send people videos until you get the money honey, and that he never gave people permission to post his videos on places like PornHub and RedTube etc and that he never wanted to go that route in his career and that he regrets things he's done. Fair enough. I did things when I was 22 that I regret. Hell Big Mama 28 now and still doing things he regrets. That's life. Anyway.....He also mentions and links to all of his real profiles and calls out all of the fake profiles that are out there. He then says how it's hard for him to find jobs and that he can't even go out in public without people staring and whispering and talking about him. Okay, I think that may be a little extreme but I don't know. Maybe the kid lives in that small of town where everybody's business is put out there. Who knows. He also says that he regrets what he did and he may just go away from social media until this all fizzles out. Honestly I think that's the best thing he can do.
Michael then goes on to say that he doesn't know Brent Everett and that he never gave permission for Brent to sell his videos through his website. Okay here's where it now gets interesting.
Now according to the guys over at Str8upgayporn Brent Everett and his partner Steve Pena have sent them screen caps of texts they allegedly have with Michael Hoffman discussing prices for Michael's videos which, by the way Hoffman seriously UNDERPRICES his videos!!!!, and there is even a screenshot of the PayPal transaction. Everett has also claimed that he spoke to Michael on the phone.
So who's lying? I don't know Michael Hoffman so I can't say. I am only Facebook friends with Brent and Steve so I can't say but I am real life friends with real life friends of Brent and Steve's so I could probably find out the truth.
I honestly don't know who or what to believe. It is possible that Brent and Steve could have been the victims of a catfish who was impersonating Michael. It could be possible that he really never gave permission for people to post his videos publicly and just thought they'd be used for private use. It's also possible that as he's growing up and seeing that actions have consequences that he's trying to do some damage control and take some heat off himself. I don't know.
I personally feel very sorry for him. What I got out of the video is that this is a good looking, young, extremely naïve kid which is why I think he comes from a small town and I mean no offense to small town folk, who got in way over his head and did get taken advantage of and who put his trust in the wrong people. I get the vibe of someone who is living a life that is not what they envisioned and is kind of floundering looking for something to clutch onto to stay afloat.
Whatever he is going through I do wish him well and hope that he has some real friends and family he can turn to and that will give him guidance and support.
What are your thoughts on this? Would love to hear what you guys think/feel about this situation. And Steve and/or Brent and/or Michael, if you guys read this, hit me up. Let's talk.


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